
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A little story about me and money...

Fashion Victim. I used to be obsessed with shoes, makeup, clothes, accesories! I love dress well and combinate my outfit now too, but before I used to spend a lot of cash in these things.

I remember three years ago, once I turn 15, my parents gave me about $5000 and I was so amazed! For me this was an incredible amount! So, I didn't know how to spend it and I didn't want to loose it in some stupid way. So for weeks i thought and tought, save it for another time...

And finally after my party I decided to spend it in the only way that I knew I was not to have regrets: fashion! Because I didn't care about a cellphone about that time and I remember that I was so into high heels, even I barely can step them! So anyway... I went to the mall and I spent the whole money. It felt so good. I felt powerful and I bought things that I didn't need at all but I was young... And now I learned how to choose the correct shop, I mean I think twice before buy anything, because you have to take care of your budget in this days.

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