
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Star Curtains

My team and I agreed on do something for decorate. But the problem was on what product we can make and also we wanted something that recycle and that wasn't expensive to do it. And we thought on those little stars made of paper that everybody knows. And I think this is excellent to recycle and to take advantage of really easy materials that we can transform in very nice things.

That’s how we got the idea of making curtains of paper stars. The name, obviously is Star Curtains and we plan to make them very stylish and with many different colors for every kind of people. We already know how to do the curtains, now we’re going to design all the things that we need to promote this product. I’m thinking on good posters and a slogan that attracts young people.

We haven’t had problems but I think that If I had know that it was so easy, we could have thought on some ideas to add the curtains more style. But actually we can, we’re going to work really consciously on our product, and try to give also a good message to the public about us.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I think fashion it's everywhere. In every step that we do, we can see how this phenomenon have been growing trough the pass of the years. In fact I think that the human been it's always worried about fashion, It's not a women's thing! I know a lot of guys that are more concerned about his look that girls. And that's not a crime, as long as you don't become addict. You pass this level when you only think in the ultimate trends and you are shopping clothes and accesories as food! I think it's ridiculous the way some people adopt fashion as their religion and also how they start to judge people by the style they have.
That's why I get away from being part of an especific group or trend! I'm not saying that my style it's the best, but I really considere that maybe it's not unique but it's original! And I think we can make our own style and try to avoid copying other's fashion. I can't depend on some stranger way of dressing! or even thinking! I think It's better to have my own way!

Fashion it's part of me, I agree. But I take whatever of fashion I need and I adapt it to me

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A little story about me and money...

Fashion Victim. I used to be obsessed with shoes, makeup, clothes, accesories! I love dress well and combinate my outfit now too, but before I used to spend a lot of cash in these things.

I remember three years ago, once I turn 15, my parents gave me about $5000 and I was so amazed! For me this was an incredible amount! So, I didn't know how to spend it and I didn't want to loose it in some stupid way. So for weeks i thought and tought, save it for another time...

And finally after my party I decided to spend it in the only way that I knew I was not to have regrets: fashion! Because I didn't care about a cellphone about that time and I remember that I was so into high heels, even I barely can step them! So anyway... I went to the mall and I spent the whole money. It felt so good. I felt powerful and I bought things that I didn't need at all but I was young... And now I learned how to choose the correct shop, I mean I think twice before buy anything, because you have to take care of your budget in this days.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I think that being creative is part of been a human. We all can be creative if we want to, the only thing we have to worry about it's to stop imagine.
Some people are more creative than others for sure, and this is how we measure it: with the capacity that some people may have to develop this skill. I'm not sure about calling it a "skill" but the mind is very powerfull and we need to take all the advantage that we have just for the fact of being alive.

For me, the creativity is even more important than the intelligence. One person can be a brain, but if he or she doesn't know how to solve a simple problem using creativity... I think it's an issue for applying in every job. In these days our creativity will help us to face the reality that it's coming, in every ways.

I considere myself creative. But sometimes I don't show my capacity. I love art, I admire people that has done something for this world; something original, something new, innovative, that had the courage and the osady to being different. Because that's creativity: BEING DIFFERENT IN YOUR OWN WAY.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

El Piporro, Xochimilcas and Chava Flores!

First of all, in my life I have never heard about El Piporro. It's a shame and it gets worst :( because ... what the hell are the Xochimilcas? Anyways... I made some research about it and here's what I think:
Eulalio González is an absolute icon of mexican culture... from always! And it's incredible that I didn't know about him... All his movies, all his expressions that are actually used today! I mean..."Ajúa" Let's conmemorate this culture on our bicentenary
Xochimilcas... (I tought it was a food... maybe I confused them with chimichangas... ¬¬) Oh! It's Los Xochimilcas, a very popular group with a particular style and many classic hits of mexican music. They changed for sure the legacy of this kind of music.
And finally but not least... Chava Flores. I know a little bit about him because another homework!
Definetely Chava Flores was a very original composer. All his talent is now remarcable because all his songs are like jewerly.
I agree if you think that this three are representatives of MEXICO. Of course they are!

Monday, August 30, 2010

So... Hamburgers?

I can't remember when was the last time I ate a hamburger. Maybe six months would be an aproximation. Don't get me wrong! I love this piece of meat, bread... OMG! Made it properely it can be so delicious, but actually I avoid to eat fatty food. I'm not on a diet or kinda.. I just don't like to fill my body with all that fat.

I do care of my health, but that doesn't mean that I don't like them. When I feel the smell, I can't resist! But I'm used to hold on :) I prefer to eat hamburguers made by me! It's better.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera

I was not going to choose a ballad, but I really like this one. At first I thought that it was really cheesy, but I found that this song really makes me feel better when I feel blue. Sounds a little stupid but this song it’s amazing in some many levels! Even the video posted here would be a little bit controversial. I think it’s just perfect! It describes how you feel when everybody says that you are different, useless, ugly…

I love the expression “words can’t bring me down”. It is related to my personality because back in the day I used to get worried about what people say of me… Maybe nowadays this issue it’s still bothering me a little, but I try to just live my life and cheer myself, because who else can do that? I think all my mistakes are beautiful… in every single way!