
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I think that being creative is part of been a human. We all can be creative if we want to, the only thing we have to worry about it's to stop imagine.
Some people are more creative than others for sure, and this is how we measure it: with the capacity that some people may have to develop this skill. I'm not sure about calling it a "skill" but the mind is very powerfull and we need to take all the advantage that we have just for the fact of being alive.

For me, the creativity is even more important than the intelligence. One person can be a brain, but if he or she doesn't know how to solve a simple problem using creativity... I think it's an issue for applying in every job. In these days our creativity will help us to face the reality that it's coming, in every ways.

I considere myself creative. But sometimes I don't show my capacity. I love art, I admire people that has done something for this world; something original, something new, innovative, that had the courage and the osady to being different. Because that's creativity: BEING DIFFERENT IN YOUR OWN WAY.